Tuesday, 10 April 2012

T minus one day

Only one more sleep to go...woo hoo!

BTW, you will notice no 'T minus two days' blog for yesterday. Nothing exciting happened, unless you want to talk about Kyle's Team's loss in the final at Basketball. 

Since our last blog we appear to have a minor set-back. It seems that our Qantas A380 flight to Los Angeles is going to be replaced by a Boeing B747-400. This appears to be due to one of Qantas' A380s undergoing scheduled maintenance effectively placing a hole in the scheduling. Our only wish is that the B747 is one of the four which have recently undergone an interior refit to make it A380-like on the inside. Here's a picture of a Qantas B747-400:

Early this morning we had a bit of a scare with Joshua claiming to be sick and suffering from a severe headache. We feared he was coming down with a flu (or something). However; thankfully he seems to have recovered from whatever ailment he had. ...Whew!

Today was full of last minute checks, packing and cleaning. It was just Maureen and I as the boys were at school. I sent a PM to a friend, Tupi, who has kindly offered us a personalised tour of the Lyon Air Museum just off the highway on the way down to San Diego. In fact, apart from Best Buy (to pick up our GPS), the Lyon Air Museum will be our first port of call after arriving.

Today we picked up the hire car from Canberra Airport which we will be dropping off at Sydney Airport. It's a little bit nicer than the Toyota Camry we had booked. Here she is:

We plan on leaving for Sydney just prior to 0600h tomorrow morning. The drive to the airport should take close to three hours.

Well, that's all for now. All going well, our next update will be from the Qantas Club lounge at Sydney International Airport.

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